IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
With Sitting Bull at the Spirit Lake Massacre 06/14/27 Elder Indian (as James O'Neil) 63
The Kickback 06/30/22 58
The Courage of Marge O'Doone 05/30/20 Jukoki 56
Captain Swift 04/01/20 Marshall 56
The Raggedy Queen 12/03/17 54
House of Cards 06/04/17 Norton 53
The Boy Girl 03/05/17 Albert Corey 53
The Honor of Mary Blake 12/18/16 53
The Traveling Salesman 12/17/16 Watts 53
My Madonna 10/25/15 Art Merchant 52
Heart of a Painted Woman 04/19/15 James Barrett 51
The Temptations of Satan 11/01/14 Satan 51
The Lure 08/24/14 51
The Million Dollar Robbery 05/01/14 Pell 50
A Slave of Satan 11/13/13 The Artist 50
The Rogues of Paris 10/24/13 50
The Fight for Millions 09/01/13 50