IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
The Fires of Youth 06/16/17 Billy 8
When Love Was Blind 04/15/17 8
A Modern Monte Cristo 02/04/17 Virginia Deane, age 6 8
A Rag, a Bone and a Hank of Hair 01/01/17 8
The Stolen Triumph 12/11/16 Little Alice 8
The Baby and the Boss 11/23/15 Helen, the Baby 6
Mercy on a Crutch 07/13/15 The Sheriff's Daughter 6
The Six-Cent Loaf 06/08/15 Norah Quinn - Mary's Sister 6
The Three Roses 05/16/15 The Third Rose 6
The Barrier of Flames 12/15/14 The Mayor's Daughter 6
Zudora 11/20/14 5
A Dog's Love 10/03/14 Baby Helen 5
The Dancer 02/10/14 Anna's Little Daughter 5
The Woman Pays 01/27/14 The Watson 4-year old son 5
Their Great Big Beautiful Doll 11/23/13 Daisy - The Widow's Little Girl 4
The Girl of the Cabaret 08/08/13 Their Daughter 4
Little Dorrit 07/28/13 Young Little Dorrit 4
The Spoiled Darling's Doll 04/03/13 The Spoiled Darling's Doll 4
Just a Shabby Doll 03/10/13 The Daughter 4
When the Studio Burned 02/03/13 Self 4
The Tiniest of Stars 01/13/13 Little Girl 4
The Repeater 12/22/12 The Reformer's Little Daughter 4
The Forest Rose 11/29/12 3
Cross Your Heart 11/22/12 3
The County's Prize Baby 11/12/12 The Prize Baby 3
In a Garden 10/24/12 Child visitor to garden 3
Dottie's New Doll 06/04/12 Dottie's New Doll 3
My Baby's Voice 03/29/12 Ruth Mackey - the Baby 3