IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Emergency Squad 01/05/40 Crying Wife at Hospital 47
The Night of Nights 12/01/39 1st Maid (uncredited) 47
Exclusive 08/06/37 Rioter 45
Maid of Salem 02/12/37 Townswoman (Uncredited) 44
Stolen Harmony 04/20/35 Six Kids Member (uncredited) 42
Chicken à la King 06/09/28 Effie Trundle 36
The Ramblin' Kid 10/14/23 Mrs. Ophelia Cobb 31
One of Three 01/01/23 30
Up and Going 04/22/22 Marie Brandon 29
The Greater Duty 02/01/22 29
Trailin' 12/11/21 Joan Piotto 29
The Sea Lion 12/04/21 Dolly May 29
Two Moons 12/19/20 Hilma Ring 28
Dangerous Love 12/01/20 The Woman 28
The Deceiver 12/01/20 28
The Saphead 09/01/20 Rose Turner 28
'If Only' Jim 07/01/20 Miss Dot Dennihan 28
Perils of Thunder Mountain 05/17/19 Ethel Carr 27
The Fighting Trail 09/10/17 Nan 25
The Comet's Come-Back 05/31/16 24
Pretenses 12/07/15 Mary Guffy - the Daughter 23
A Gentleman of Leisure 03/01/15 Molly Creedon 22
The Cherokee Kid None Rose 86