IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Forest Rivals 09/15/19 Tom King 32
The Praise Agent 08/11/19 Jack Bartling 32
The American Way 07/07/19 Richard Farrington 32
The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds 01/21/18 Aaron Burr 31
Rasputin, the Black Monk 10/05/17 Raff 30
The Divorce Game 06/25/17 Jean Le Beau 30
Moral Courage 05/14/17 Chadwick Anson 30
The Social Leper 03/19/17 Robert Warren 30
The Bondage of Fear 01/23/17 Skinny Morgan 30
A Woman Alone 01/01/17 Stephen Mallery Jr 30
The Men She Married 11/27/16 Ralph Semple 30
The Gilded Cage 10/09/16 Capt. Kassari 30
The Revolt 10/01/16 John Stevens 29
The Summer Girl 08/14/16 Bruce Haldeman 29
Miss Petticoats 07/31/16 Guy Hamilton 29
The Strange Story of Sylvia Gray 10/26/14 Vanveldt 28
An Officer and a Gentleman 03/14/14 Lt. Billy Brinkley 27
Children of the Feud 02/14/14 William Morton Sr. 27
Marrying Sue 02/06/14 Patterson 27
The Vavasour Ball 01/20/14 27
Heartbroken Shep 10/09/13 Runa's Father 27