IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
A Business Affair 03/16/94 Doctor 56
And the Wall Came Tumbling Down 11/19/84 Ted Pinder 47
Doctor Who: The Visitation 02/23/82 Villager 44
The Chelsea Murders 12/30/81 Chris 44
London Is Drowning 10/27/81 Geoff 44
Betzi 09/23/78 Count Las Cases 41
Force 10 from Navarone 08/16/78 Interrogation Officer #3 41
Philby, Burgess and Maclean 05/31/77 Major Sansom 39
Kites 03/19/76 Bates 38
Ransom 12/06/74 Joe 37
The Professional 03/03/73 Insp. Gray 35
The Death of Adolf Hitler 01/07/73 Lorenz 35
Young Man in Trouble 07/06/70 Peter 33
Treasure Island 01/10/65 George Merry 27