IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
After the Fog 12/15/29 Phil Langhorne 31
One Splendid Hour 05/01/29 Dr. Thornton 30
The Girl He Didn't Buy 04/14/28 Edwin Edinburg 29
Blondes by Choice 10/01/27 Cliff Bennett 29
Bertha the Sewing Machine Girl 12/19/26 Roy Davis 28
The Family Upstairs 08/29/26 Charles Grant 28
Padlocked 08/02/26 Norman Van Pelt 28
Sea Horses 02/22/26 Harvey 27
School for Wives 04/05/25 Howard Lynch 26
Her Own Free Will 07/20/24 Jerry Lister 26
Another Scandal 06/22/24 Alec Greenwood 25
A Society Scandal 03/09/24 Hector Colbert 25
The Exciters 06/03/23 The Mechanician 24
The Career of Katherine Bush 08/03/19 Lao's Sweetheart 21