IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
God's Time 02/24/23 Sydney 34
Paradise Highway 07/29/22 Claire 34
Over/Under 04/30/22 Sheryl West 34
Boon 04/01/22 Catherine 33
Human Capital 07/17/20 Godeep's Wife 32
The Knot 04/15/19 Eve 31
The Big Shit 02/01/19 Julie 30
Yellow Fever 02/15/17 Becky 28
The Hollow 10/07/16 Sarah Desoto 28
Dating Alarm 09/20/16 Annabelle 28
Schmidts Katze 09/24/15 Sybille 27
The Invisible Life of Thomas Lynch 08/02/11 Tina 23
Far Out 06/15/07 Gillian 19