IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Killer Rose 04/12/21 Anita 32
Downeast 03/31/21 Carly 32
A Soldier's Revenge 03/25/21 Laura 32
The Gift of Christmas 11/01/20 Sara 31
Await the Dawn 09/18/20 Lana 31
A Place Called Hollywood 05/04/19 Annie Clarke 30
Swell 03/26/19 Vera 30
Elixir 02/09/19 Hope 30
Cradles for Cash 02/04/19 Svetlana 30
After Emma 12/12/18 30
Mr. Memento 10/13/18 Ophelia 29
Death House 02/28/18 Linz Haddon 29
It Happened Again Last Night 12/10/17 Paige 29
Rock, Paper, Scissors 10/21/17 Barbara 28
Do You See Me 05/20/17 Jenna 28
Charlie's Gift 12/12/16 28
$elfie Shootout 08/05/16 FBI Clerk 27
Ava's Impossible Things 07/16/16 Depression 27
Grief 11/13/15 Sarah 26
The French American 10/15/15 Malou 26
Flowers in December 08/16/15 Holly 26
The Legacy of Avril Kyte 05/25/15 Avril 26
Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard 02/03/15 Nikki Slater 26
Stray 01/26/15 Jennifer Davis 26
Flytrap 12/10/14 Ginger 26
Cut! 01/14/14 Gabby 25
Snow Moon: Cinderella Chronicles Saga 01/08/14 Nena 25
Speak No Evil 05/24/13 Anna 24
The Lighthouse 09/07/12 Carrie 23
Fuzz Track City 04/06/12 Waitress 23
An Old Man's Gold 01/06/12 Charlene Sullivan 23
869 12/12/11 Desiree 23
Sugartown 08/13/11 Sara Tilps 22
The Guardian 10/01/10 Nurse 21
Henry John and the Little Bug 01/06/09 Florence Tildon 20
Dead Quiet None Marie 36
Blood Positive None Christine 36