IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Miracle on Main Street 12/19/39 Woman in Church 40
Take the Heir 01/15/30 Susan 30
The Wrong Mr. Wright 02/27/27 Teddy 27
Senor Daredevil 08/01/26 Sally Blake 27
The Gilded Highway 03/13/26 Primrose Welby 26
The Man Upstairs 01/22/26 Marion Larnard 26
The Midnight Flyer 12/06/25 Mary Baxter 26
His Majesty, Bunker Bean 09/14/25 Marie Breede 26
How Baxter Butted In 07/25/25 Beulah Dyer 26
A Broadway Butterfly 03/29/25 Irene Astaire 25
The Prairie Wife 02/23/25 Chaddie Green 25
Who Cares 02/01/25 Joan 25
The Narrow Street 01/04/25 Doris 25
The Tomboy 12/26/24 Tommy Smith 25
Hold Your Breath 05/24/24 Mabel 24
Getting Gertie's Goat 03/09/24 Gertie 24
Stay Single 01/28/24 24
Kidding Katie 12/02/23 Katie 24
Navy Blues 09/16/23 Mrs. James Warren 24
Pick and Shovel 06/16/23 23
Winter Has Came 04/06/23 Mary 23
Saving Sister Susie 11/13/21 22
Nothing Like It 08/07/21 22
Magnificent Brute 03/12/21 21
45 Minutes from Broadway 08/30/20 Mary Jane Jenkins 21
'Twas Midnight 06/01/19 19
Know Thy Wife 12/30/18 Betty Browning 19
The House Cleaning Horrors 08/26/18 19