IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
The Debt 09/30/10 Ivan Schevchuk 85
Letters of Service 11/18/04 Billy 79
Crush 06/07/02 Bishop 77
Shoot the Revolution 12/16/90 Ion Iliescu 65
Born of Fire 03/31/87 The Director 62
The Bunker 04/15/81 Dr. Haase 56
The Life and Times of David Lloyd George 03/04/81 Lord Birkenhead 55
Silver Dream Racer 06/13/80 Financier 55
The Human Factor 12/18/79 Scientist 54
Sweeney! 01/14/77 Flying Squad Cdr. Maynon 51
Doran's Box 01/20/76 Jones 50
One Hour to Zero 01/01/76 Professor Stonely 50
Regan 06/04/74 Det. Chief Supt. Maynon 49
Si può essere più bastardi dell'ispettore Cliff? 03/05/73 47
Nothing But the Night 02/16/73 Dr Yeats 47
The Insomniac 09/24/71 The Man 46
Doctor Who: Colony in Space 05/15/71 Captain Dent 46
The Last Invasion 08/24/66 41
The Trial and Torture of Sir John Rampayne 11/10/65 Chief Superintendent James 40
The Count of Monte Cristo 10/04/64 Baron Danglars 39