IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
April Fool's Day 03/29/97 Renee 71
The Day of the Janitor 07/08/81 Dolly 55
Red Shift 01/17/78 Tom's Mother 52
Overlord 07/01/75 Mum 49
Sex and the Other Woman 12/30/72 Mother-In-Law 46
Father's Help 10/19/71 Eileen 45
Fun and Games 10/01/71 Mrs. Jackson 45
Rumour 03/02/70 44
Otley 03/11/69 Traffic Warden 43
The Best Pair of Legs in the Business 12/28/68 Emma 42
Murder Most Foul 03/01/64 Florrie Harris 38