Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
It's Good To Be The King: The Jerry Lawler Story 05/19/15 Jim Powers 57
Chris Benoit: The Aftermath 01/01/10 Himself 51
WCW World War 3 1996 11/24/96 Jim Powers 38
WWF Bashed in the USA 06/23/93 Jim Powers 35
WWE March to WrestleMania VIII 03/29/92 Jim Powers 34
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: June '90 06/17/90 Jim Powers 32
The Best of the WWF: volume 20 08/09/89 Jim Powers 31
WWE Wrestling at The Meadowlands: May '89 05/08/89 Jim Powers 31
The Best of the WWF: volume 18 03/01/89 Jim Powers 31
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: December '88 12/17/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Survivor Series 1988 11/24/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: November '88 11/17/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '88 11/06/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: September '88 09/18/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE WrestleMania IV 03/27/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Royal Rumble 01/24/88 Jim Powers 30
WWE Survivor Series 1987 11/26/87 Jimmi Powers 29
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '87 11/01/87 Jim Powers 29
The Best of the WWF: volume 13 10/28/87 Jim Powers 29
WWE The Hart Foundation 06/24/87 Jim Powers 29
The Best of the WWF: volume 8 08/20/86 Jim Powers 28
WWE Wrestling at The Meadowlands: December '84 12/10/84 Jim Powers 26