IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Resnick: Lonely Hearts 03/31/92 Carole Fawley 56
102 Boulevard Haussmann 11/09/90 Concierge 54
Cause Célèbre 08/23/87 Joan Webster 51
A Mother Like Him 11/16/82 Woman neighbour 46
A Bit of Singing and Dancing 08/22/82 Mrs. Lavers 46
K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend 12/28/81 Lilly Gregson 45
The Patricia Neal Story 12/08/81 Mrs. Johnson 45
A Brush with Mr. Porter on the Road to El Dorado 01/20/81 Mrs Porter 44
The Imitation Game 04/24/80 44
Dark Water 01/01/80 Cashier 43
Me! I'm Afraid of Virginia Woolf 12/02/78 Mrs Garland 42
The Winslow Boy 01/16/77 40
The Lady of the Camellias 12/13/76 Prudence 40
The Chauffeur 04/30/76 Housekeeper 40