IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Torch Singer 09/08/33 Nightclub Patron 37
Be Your Age 11/13/26 The Widow's Secretary 30
The Skyrocket 02/14/26 Lucia Morgan 29
The Mystic 09/26/25 Doris Merrick 29
The Pride of the Force 09/11/25 Mary Moore 29
Go Straight! 04/27/25 Gilda Hart 28
The Ridin' Kid from Powder River 11/30/24 'Miss' 28
The Family Secret 09/28/24 Margaret Selfridge 28
The Iron Horse 08/24/24 Ruby 28
Hoodman Blind 12/20/23 Nancy Yeulette 27
Enemies of Women 04/15/23 Vittoria Spadoni 26
How Women Love 10/15/22 Natalie Nevins 26
Secrets of Paris 10/01/22 Mayflower 26
Fair Lady 03/19/22 Myra Nell Drew 25
Tol'able David 12/31/21 Esther Hatburn 25
Mrs. Slacker 03/31/18 Susie Simpkins 21
Over the Hill 12/30/17 Esther 21
A Crooked Romance 09/30/17 Mary Flynn 21
The Last of the Carnabys 07/22/17 Lucy Carnaby 21
Prudence the Pirate 10/21/16 Prudence 20
The Shine Girl 08/26/16 The Shine Girl 20
The Traffic Cop 04/08/16 Casey's Sweetheart 19
The Flight of the Duchess 03/11/16 Lady Alice - The Earl's Ward 19
The Working of a Miracle 06/18/15 Mary Murdock - Kent's Ward 18
Getting to the Ball Game 11/07/14 18
The Treasure of Captain Kidd 08/11/13 Modern Sweetheart 17
Jack and the Beanstalk 01/16/12 Jack 15
Papa's Sweetheart 12/26/11 One of the Children 15
Lorna Doone 06/29/11 14
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 09/09/10 Alice 14
A Japanese Peach Boy 02/01/10 13
A Midsummer Night's Dream 12/25/09 Puck 13
Hiawatha 10/25/09 Hiawatha 13
Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy 08/10/09 The Elder Fairy 13