IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Spangles 11/07/26 The Chimp (Uncredited) Unknown
Hollywood 08/19/23 Orangutan Unknown
Merry-Go-Round 07/01/23 Chimp (uncredited) Unknown
Trifling Women 11/06/22 Orangutan (Uncredited) Unknown
The Adventures of Tarzan 12/01/21 Man in Ape Suit Unknown
A Monkey Movie Star 07/04/21 Himself Unknown
A Monkey Hero 04/19/21 Monkey Hero Unknown
Seven Years Bad Luck 02/06/21 The Chimpanzee (uncredited) Unknown
A Prohibition Monkey 09/13/20 Joe Martin - An Orang-outang Unknown
The Evil Eye 04/30/20 Orangutan (Uncredited) Unknown
A Baby Doll Bandit 01/12/20 The Chimp Unknown
King of the Circus 01/02/20 Chimp (Uncredited) Unknown
Monkey Stuff 07/07/19 A Chimp Unknown
Looney Lions and Monkey Business 04/23/19 The Chimp Unknown
Man and Beast 06/25/17 The Orang-Outang Unknown
Making Monkey Business 06/12/17 The Ape Unknown
Black Orchids 01/01/17 Haitim-Tai Unknown
What Darwin Missed 08/12/16 The Wise Oran-Outang Unknown
Hungry Happy's Dream 04/06/16 Joe Martin the Chimp Unknown
Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry 10/14/15 Orangutan Unknown
Joe Martin Turns 'Em Loose 09/15/15 Joe Martin - the Inheritance Unknown
The Black Box 03/08/15 Chimp Unknown