IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Chloe, Love Is Calling You 04/01/34 Col. Gordon 51
Playthings of Desire 09/01/33 Malvern's Butler 50
The Kentuckians 02/20/21 Mace Keaton 37
The Copperhead 01/25/20 Newt Gillespie 36
The Woman on the Index 02/23/19 Butler 35
Brown of Harvard 01/10/18 Cart Wright 34
Daybreak 01/07/18 Carl Peterson 34
A Sleeping Memory 10/15/17 34
Less Than the Dust 11/04/16 A Derelict 33
Hubby Puts One Over 06/17/16 Mr. Dasher 33
Two Smiths and a Haff 06/10/16 John AKA Jack Smith 33
Pickles and Diamonds 06/03/16 Adolph Pfefferschnitzel 33
Oh, You Uncle! 05/27/16 Uncle Oscar 33
The Winning Number 05/20/16 Jack Bowen 33
Jenkins' Jinx 05/13/16 Jeremiah Jenkins 33
Father's Night Off 05/06/16 Mr. Corbin 33
Love and Bullets 04/29/16 Hector Timid 33
Millionaire Billie 04/22/16 Harold Vandewater 33
Her Wayward Sister 02/07/16 Hugh Dean 32
Heartaches 12/20/15 Will Cairns 32
The Rights of Man: A Story of War's Red Blotch 10/25/15 His Royal Highness 32
The Only Way Out 03/18/15 Edward Gray 32