IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Guilty Hands 08/22/31 H.G. Smith 60
Ex-Flame 11/19/30 Parson 59
Abraham Lincoln 11/08/30 Sheriff 59
Kicking Through 10/01/28 June's Father 57
Running Wild 12/05/27 Dean Maxwell 56
The Gingham Girl 07/16/27 56
Arizona Bound 04/09/27 John Winslow 56
The Princess from Hoboken 03/01/27 Whiskers 56
The Last Lap 12/20/26 Dean Maxwell 55
Making Good 12/06/26 Dean Maxwell 55
Fighting to Win 11/21/26 Dean Maxwell 55
Benson at Calford 11/08/26 Dean Maxwell, June's Father 55
Into Her Kingdom 08/08/26 Senov 55
Winds of Chance 08/15/25 Jerry 54
The Dressmaker from Paris 03/30/25 Mayor 54
Sundown 11/30/24 Joe Patton 53