IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
King Lear 09/19/82 Duke of Burgundy 45
Doctor Who: Warriors' Gate 01/24/81 Biroc 43
Brenda 11/11/73 Ralph 36
Nobody Ordered Love 05/01/72 Jacques Legrand 34
Von Richthofen and Brown 06/30/71 Murphy 33
Quest for Love 06/06/71 Johnny Prescott 33
Macbeth 11/04/70 Malcolm 33
The Winter's Tale 05/27/68 Florizel / Archidamas 30
Doctor Who: The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve 02/26/66 Nicholas Muss 28
The Heroes of Telemark 11/12/65 Arne 28
The Legend of Young Dick Turpin 03/01/65 Dick Turpin 27
The Beauty Jungle 08/25/64 Harry 26
The Masque of the Red Death 06/24/64 Gino 26
Becket 03/11/64 Brother John 26
Witchcraft 03/01/64 Todd Lanier 26
The Informers 11/29/63 Young Constable (uncredited) 26
80,000 Suspects 08/15/63 Brian Davis 25
Doctor in Distress 07/30/63 Dr Stewart 25
The Mind Benders 02/01/63 Student at Party (uncredited) 25
That Kind of Girl 01/01/63 Keith Murray 25